Hello and welcome to my website, www.InvestWithHavan.com
My name is Havan Surat and I want to say thank you for dropping by.
If you are looking for a way to get an above average return on investment (R.O.I.), backed by a solid asset (real estate), and without the typical challenges of being a landlord, you’ve definitely come to the right place!
Please take a few minutes to explore the website, watch my short explanatory videos and see what it is that we do here at InvestWithHavan.com
I believe that real estate investing, done properly and in an educated, logical manner, is the best investment available for the average person.
However, if it were actually easy, everyone would be doing it!
Here are a few of the challenges prospective investors face:
- How to learn all the in’s and out’s of investing in properties.
- Finding the right market to invest in (and the right time to invest).
- Choosing right investing strategy and the appropriate kinds of properties to buy.
- Creating a solid, experienced and effective real estate POWER TEAM.
- Managing the deal during acquisition, managing the property during the deal, and coming up with a profitably and timely exit strategy
Fortunately for our investors, my team and I take care of all of this. It’s what I like to call a “Hands-Free Investment” for them.
If you aren’t already on our prospective investor contact list, you are welcome to join us and be the first to know when we have exciting and profitable investment opportunities available. Just put in your contact information in the box at the right of the screen, and I will also give you access to a short video called “Why Real Estate is An Exceptional Way To Invest“.
And if you are ready to find out more about our investment program, I invite you to contact me directly, and I will be happy to show you exactly how it works, either in person, by phone, or on-line.
Simply click here to fill out a contact request.
Again, welcome to the site, and I look forward to talking with you personally.
Havan Surat

Long Term Hold Investors:
Who are we? InvestWithHavan.com is a real estate investment company. We have been actively involved in the Fraser Valley area real estate investing for a number of years. Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves. It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!

What Do We Do?
We focus primarily on Long Term Hold properties and we provide good local families with quality housing while at the same time getting our investor partners and ourselves an above average return on investment.